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Monday, 3 July 2017

Back in the Manse

Well, not really. After a year in Laos we have got back to Australia with notions in our heads of blue skies, easy days and chooks. Moving to the Clarence Valley near Grafton has given us the blue skies, even in winter. But the easy days and chooks have to wait until my new employees inform me of the site office location so I can rent a suitably close house.
Clear blue skies at the Lawrence Golf Course
In the meantime, staying with family, I saw no reason to delay and brewed up a barrel of ginger beer plus a demijohn of lemon wine using fresh fruit from the garden. Perhaps in a few weeks when they are ready we will feel back in the spirit of Zeehan Manse!


  1. Hi Damo,

    Congrats on the story inclusion. I really enjoyed the story. Good stuff.

    Out of curiosity was the larger plastic demijohn originally intended to be a demijohn or was it a modified plastic container. It is a good looking unit. The lemon wine looks like it is bubbling nicely. We top up the mix too with fresh water in the demijohn, although I don't reckon it would make too much difference one way or the other.



  2. Thank you, it is great to be included in the story compilation! Just quietly, I much prefer my first story, but at over 13000 words it is a little indulgent to be included in a short story competition.

    The larger demijohn, or barrel, is a pretty standard piece of kit from most home brew stores. They come in 20L or 30L capacity, with a screw tap fitting near the base and a small (~8mm) opening in the lid to fit an airlock. I got another one today and will put on a type of stout, aiming for ~7% ABV with a hint of chocolate aftertaste.
